360 Security Guards v1.6 Android (Android Apps)

Posted by Om Om ~

360 Security Guards v1.6 Android

Name : 360 Security Guards v1.6 Android
Category : Miscellaneous Apps
File Name : 360securityguardsv1.6android.apk
File Size : 836kb
Supported Phones : Acer beTouch E130, Dell Streak, Dell Mini 5, Dell Aero, Dell Mini 3iX, Garmin-Asus A10, Gigabyte GSmart G1305 Boston, Gigabyte GSmart G1305 Codfish, HTC Desire, HTC Bravo, HTC Wildfire, HTC Evo 4G, HTC Legend, HTC Aria, HTC Google Nexus One, HTC Hero, HTC Droid Incredible, HTC Tattoo, HTC Magic, HTC DROID ERIS, HTC Dream, Huawei U8230, Huawei U8500 ... Huawei U8300, Huawei U8100, Huawei U8220, Huawei U8110, i-mobile i858, i-mobile 8500, Philips V900, Philips V808, T-Mobile G1, T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide, T-Mobile myTouch 3G, T-Mobile Pulse, T-Mobile Garminfone, T-Mobile Pulse Mini, T-Mobile G2 Touch, T-Mobile myTouch 3G Fender Edition, Vodafone 845, ZTE Race, ZTE X850, ZTE U X850

Supplied By Unknown


Guardian Features Android phone

One. Blocker
360 Guardian phone call with SMS interception and interception capabilities. By default, all new to intercept text messages, calls will be received.

1. Black and white list (024 - black and white list): paddling with your fingers to switch black list

You may want to block an increase in the blacklist of numbers, text messages or calls on the numbers for the interception. You can manually create, import, etc. were created. (023 - Import contacts No pop-up interface, 025 - hand-increasing number of interface contacts)
Intercepted messages and calls will be displayed in the interception record (010 - the main interface interception record, 014 - call blocking interface).
Session presented by way of interception record (011 - to intercept a single contact record), allowing you to search and recovery.
When a block, it will inform the bar and the main interface in a number of tips. (010 - the main interface interception record, 00 - main menu)

Similarly, you can also SMS the number of calls to be received whitelist (021 - White List interface), using a combination of black and white lists to intercept set to different numbers.

2. Blocking rules
(018 - blocking rules interface)
A variety of conditions can be set to intercept numbers.
a. You can follow the block number area.
b. block mode (026 - block mode) intercept provides some commonly used combinations of settings.
c. Call Reject mode lets you use the blacklist How to politely reject a number of numbers. To answer the phone at an inconvenient time, use the numbers on the blacklist call reject mode (to return to the busy tone, air number, has been shut down, is down four models), to avoid the embarrassment of direct hang up the other phone, and direct power off inconvenience.

II. Attribution to show
360 Guardian phone call in the phone number displayed when the area so you can better identify the cheater phone. (041 - calls attribution, the 041 - to power attribution)
Attribution to the location and style of boxes can be freely modified. (045 - attribution to display box styles, 046 - attribution to display box location)

III. Ip Auto Dial
As long as you set your phone number location, and set the ip range of automatic dialing. In the call, 360 phone number before the guards will automatically add the ip numbers, saving call costs. (051 - automatic ip dial-up pop-up interface, the 051 - Automatic call ip)

IV. Beep call tagging
For the ring out to mark hung up the phone to avoid the smoke back into a fee when the phone trap.
After hanging up the phone ring out in the notice board will be labeled such calls. (060 - beep phone call)
Records in the block will be labeled. (062 - beep interception record)

Five. Privacy space
Some people will not want to be added that the number of private space, you and the number of records of all correspondence will be received in the space, only with a password can see. (030 - into the private space for a password pop-up interface)

Private space using session mode, full compliance with the android system style. (032 - a single contact privacy of conversation, 033 - Privacy telephone interface, 035 - privacy contact list interface)
Privacy Contact set to immediately hang up the phone, text messaging can also set the automatic function. (037 - Privacy numbers immediately hang up automatic SMS reply)

You can also notice the privacy of information and calls to cover all forms of private information is more confidential. (038 - Modify the name of private space, 039 - modify the notice text, 039 - modify the SMS notification icon, 039 - modify the incoming call notification icon).

Privacy of messages can also modify the ring, to give you special tips. (039 - to change our privacy SMS ringtones)

VI. Number Search
360 Mobile Guardian also provides a manual input telephone number search attribution information functions. (040 - number of queries the main interface, 041 - attribution to the query interface)

Another frequently used numbers for the call inquiries Yellow Pages. (043 - No common query interface)

VII. System Cleaner
Through a key clean-up, and instantly let the phone speed. The system is running clean-up process based on the number of mobile spam, CPU, storage and SD card phone occupancy, for a comprehensive mobile phone users rate and provide a key clean-up to free memory (071 - System clean interface). Users can also view the current process, the process of self-selection needs to close (072 - process management interface).

VIII. Intelligent White List
Take the initiative to contact the user over the number of auto-smart white list, then messages sent to this number will no longer be blocked, stopped to avoid acquaintance of error messages.

IX. Chargeback scan
Chargeback through the phone records of suspicious scans (081 - scanning deductions records), and released through the carrier free access customized channel check balance of business and calls to inform the user if the situation encountered suspicious chargeback (082 - chargeback scan results). Users can choose to unsubscribe or report the results to retain deductions business. Enquiries can also set up their own business (083 - Query settings.), And modify the query operator instructions (084 - set the query command).



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