Smart Monitor Pro v2.4.7 Android (Android Apps)
Name : Smart Monitor Pro v2.4.7 Android
Category : System Tools & Utilities
File Name : smartmonitorprov2.4.7android.apk
File Size : 257kb
Supported Phones : Acer beTouch E130, Dell Streak, Dell Mini 5, Dell Aero, Dell Mini 3iX, Garmin-Asus A10, Gigabyte GSmart G1305 Boston, Gigabyte GSmart G1305 Codfish, HTC Desire, HTC Bravo, HTC Wildfire, HTC Evo 4G, HTC Legend, HTC Aria, HTC Google Nexus One, HTC Hero, HTC Droid Incredible, HTC Tattoo, HTC Magic, HTC DROID ERIS, HTC Dream, Huawei U8230, Huawei U8500 ... Huawei U8300, Huawei U8100, Huawei U8220, Huawei U8110, i-mobile i858, i-mobile 8500, Philips V900, Philips V808, T-Mobile G1, T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide, T-Mobile myTouch 3G, T-Mobile Pulse, T-Mobile Garminfone, T-Mobile Pulse Mini, T-Mobile G2 Touch, T-Mobile myTouch 3G Fender Edition, Vodafone 845, ZTE Race, ZTE X850, ZTE U X850
Supplied By Unknown
Know your basic system inforation, network data usage in a small and easy to use user interface. Track and control your monthly data usage and pay no more overage fee.
Network information
* Monitor Wifi,3G,GPRS,EDGE
* User customizable monitor period (Daily,Weeky,Monthly)
* Over bandwidth limit alert
* Query traffic history in any time frame
System information
* Memory usage (Free and total in MB)
* Current Active nework type and IP
* CPU type
* CPU usage in % level
Storage information
* System partition (Avaliable space and used space in MB)
* Data partition (Avaliable space and used space in MB)
* SDCard partition (Avaliable space and used space in MB)
Device information
* Shows real batter MAX capacity (Designed capacity Spec V.S real capacity)
* Shows current charge in %
* Shows current LCD brigtness level
* Adjustable LCD brightness sliding bar
* Wifi signal strength in 10 level, connection status, and ESSID
Battery Widget
* Shows real batter MAX capacity (Designed capacity Spec V.S real capacity)
* Shows current charge in %
* Show Current temperature
* Show battery tiem forecase on HTC Hero (Experimental)
* Show battery health
Recent changes:
Fix WiFi net statistics err when enable WiFi while 3G is enabled.